Sunday, November 26, 2006

Nightmare dreams

A couple of days ago I saw the worst dream I have ever seen. I had commited a murder and I was sentenced to jail for 10 years.

And the whole time in the dream I was thinking that I am not going to walk out on the streets free for 10 years. That I am not going to go out with my friends for 10 years. See my house, my dog sleeping in her bed, my mum cooking. That I am going to be a living dead for 10 years. But I was experiencing that emotion so clearly, it really felt real. And the funny part is that I was trying to wake up but 3 times I woke up and 3 times I slept and the same dream reemerged. Like I was trapped in a spiderweb that was pulling me in.

I still feel the taste of loss of individuality and freedom. Did I see it because i feel trapped in a way or was it a gift to appreciate things we take for granted? A lot of stress though...

1 comment:

jdbauer said...

Weird. I have had similar dreams a while back. The other night I dreamed that 2 guys I went to college with were trying to kill me. They had become nazis since school and blamed the Jews for 9/11 and everything else. It was extremely stressful.

I think your dream probably could mean one of 2 things. 1) you feel constricted or limited in a way from not being where you thought you'd be in life or 2) you feel some guilt or impending jinx from the steady luck you've had.

Oh, by the way you won. You were the only contestant. Too fast. You get a drawing/sketch. If you E-mail me your address at I'll send you a drawing in the post. Cheers and pleasant dreams!